All students with learning difficulties need to work in a supportive and inclusive environment, where teachers and support personnel work together to provide strategies to assist them to access the curriculum.
Support teachers assist class teachers to build support for these students into the class environment and into their classroom units of work.
The role of the support teacher includes the management of the processes used by schools to identify, recommend and make provision for students with learning difficulties and learning disabilities.
Students with additional learning and support needs
Students experiencing difficulties in learning in regular classes, regardless of the cause, are supported through learning and support. It includes support for students with significant learning difficulties, mild intellectual disabilities, language disorders and behaviour needs.
Students do not need a formal disability diagnosis to access support through these resources, including students with autism spectrum disorders or mental health disorders who have lower level needs.
Role of the learning and support teacher
The learning and support teacher (LaST) has a collaborative role within the whole school to improve outcomes for students with additional learning and support needs.
The role of the learning and support teacher as a member of the school learning and support team is to collaboratively:
- work collaboratively with the classroom teacher to support assessment for learning of their students with additional educational needs and identify specific learning and support needs.
- plan, implement, model, monitor and evaluate teaching programs for students with additional learning and support needs in conjunction with regular classroom teachers.
- plan, implement, model, monitor and evaluate personalised adjustments for learning where required, with the classroom teacher, student and/or parent or carer.
- model exemplary classroom practice when tailoring adjusted learning programs for students with additional learning needs.
- provide direct support for students with additional learning and support needs through a range of strategies (including direct instruction, delivery of adjusted learning programs, assessment and monitoring of progress) including the areas of social integration, language and communication, literacy, numeracy and behaviour. This may include students with confirmed disabilities.
- provide professional specialist advice, support and mentoring to classroom teachers on - how best to cater for the diverse learning needs in their classrooms, and how to effectively work in partnership with families to maximise learning opportunities for students at school and at home.
- provide professional specialist advice and assistance about students with additional learning needs to the school's learning and support team.
- assist with professional learning for class teachers and school learning support officers within their school and local network of schools where appropriate.
English as a second language teacher
The English as a second language (ESL) program aims to develop ESL students' English language competence and improve their learning outcomes throughout the curriculum to a level where they can fully participate in schooling and independently pursue further education and training.
Roles and responsibilities of the ESL Teacher
ESL teachers are responsible for:
- identifying ESL students, assessing their English language competence and prioritising their need for English learning support
- determining appropriate modes of delivery for the school's ESL program, based on identified ESL needs
- planning and teaching ESL programs to meet the English learning needs of ESL students using the second language and literacy learning methodologies
- assessing, monitoring and reporting on their ESL students' English learning progress in key learning areas with reference to the ESL scales
- working collaboratively with class teachers to develop programs, practices and resources which support the English language and literacy learning of ESL students across key learning areas
- assisting in the completion of the school's ESL annual survey and ESL new arrivals surveys
- providing advice and professional support to school executive and other teachers on appropriate teaching programs and practices for ESL students.
Student learning support officers
Student learning support officers work in classrooms, supporting teachers and assisting students with learning disabilities.
Reading recovery
Reading recovery is a literacy program offered to Year 1 students who are experiencing difficulty learning to read and write. In addition to the class teacher's literacy program, the reading recovery teacher works with the student on an individual program. The reading recovery program lasts up to 20 weeks for each student.